KLI Blog : Week 1
Week 1: January 19 – 21 Arrival at the KLI The Scientific Director Guido Caniglia offers me the use of
Week 1: January 19 – 21 Arrival at the KLI The Scientific Director Guido Caniglia offers me the use of
Week 2 : January 22- 28 Current activities Checking-in meeting with the group: My Artist in
Week 3: January 30 – February 5 Group activities Interviews and conversations with Fellows Museums Quartier bookstore: ideas for responding
Week 4: February 6 – 12 add image cantin or interv or other group Group activities Ongoing interviews and conversations with
Week 5: February 13 – 19 Group activities Put in images of interviews, close up of stones in border, stones
Week 5: February 19 – 25 Group activities xxxx Some conversations: xxxx Questions: xxxx Experiments: xxxx The doorway. Settling
Week 7: February 26 – March 5 Group activities The idea of mapping the threshold doorway together with the Fellows
Week 8: March 6 -12 Group activities Starting to eat lunches outdoors Gerd is often there with us. Some conversations:
Week 9: March 13 – 19 Group activities xxxx Some conversations: xxxx Questions: xxxx Experiments: Tape around paper shapes How